Virtual Hospitals Tour 3D

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3D Virtual Hospitals Tour EXTENSION 🏥🏥
17 Juli - 16 September 2023
Halo Sobat Sehat, 🙌🏻
Kabar gembira...... dalam rangka memperingati hari Kemerdekaan RI ke-78 serta mendukung program "Health Tourism" di Tanah Air Tercinta 🇮🇩, event 3D Virtual Hospitals Tour DIPERPANJANG hingga 16 SEPTEMBER 2023.
Dinas Kesehatan Prov.Sumsel dan Kota Palembang, Dinas Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Prov.Sumsel dan Kota Palembang, Badan Ekonomi Kreatif bersama Charitas Healthcare Group* kembali menghadirkan berbagai 'wahana virtual' yang menarik.
🏃♀🏃♂😍😍 Wooww.....!
Lokasi-lokasi HIGHLIGHT yang dapat dijelajahi di Virtual Hospitals Tour 3D antara lain :
1. Kearifan Lokal Provinsi Sumatera Selatan & Kota Palembang di booth Pemerintah Daerah.
2. Rumah Sakit, Klinik dan Charitas Eco Green Park secara Virtual 3D.
3. Berbelanja ONLINE aneka kuliner dan kriya di booth *Art & Tradition Gallery (Badan Ekonomi Kreatif)*.
4. Virtual Hospital Tour Dokter Cilik 360° di booth Charitas Learning Center.
5. Greenhouse di tengah taman, sebagai pusat edukasi dan konservasi flora & fauna langka di Indonesia.
6. Menikmati view jembatan AMPERA dan seluruh area Eco Green Park virtual dari puncak Menara Observatori. Dan masih banyak lagi......! 😍
Jangan lupaa.... ada juga TREASURE HUNT (berburu “Harta karun”) 🎁 di seluruh area taman, KONSULTASI KESEHATAN GRATIS, serta KUIS BERHADIAH di booth CENTER of EXCELLENCE (Cassie) ! 🎉🎁🎁🤗
Mau tahu Caranya ?
KLIK Link berikut ini :
Let's Gooo.....! 👍
Come & Join Us
3D Virtual Hospitals Tour EXTENSION 🏥🏥
17 July - 16 September 2023
Hello Health Friends, 🙌🏻 Good news… in commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of Indonesia and supporting the “Health Tourism” program in our beloved homeland 🇮🇩, the 3D Virtual Hospitals Tour event is EXTENDED until 16 SEPTEMBER 2023.
The Health Office of South Sumatra Province and Palembang City, the Culture and Tourism Office of South Sumatra Province and Palembang City, the Creative Economy Agency together with Charitas Healthcare Group* present various interesting ‘virtual attractions’.
🏃♀🏃♂😍😍 Wooww…!
The HIGHLIGHT locations that can be explored in the 3D Virtual Hospitals Tour are:
- Local Wisdom of South Sumatra Province & Palembang City at the Regional Government booth.
- Hospital, Clinic and Charitas Eco Green Park in Virtual 3D.
- Shop ONLINE for various culinary and crafts at the Art & Tradition Gallery (Creative Economy Agency) booth.
- Virtual Hospital Tour for Little Doctors 360° at the Charitas Learning Center booth.
- Greenhouse in the middle of the park, as a center for education and conservation of rare flora & fauna in Indonesia.
- Enjoy the view of the AMPERA bridge and the entire virtual Eco Green Park area from the top of the Observatory Tower. And much more…! 😍
Don’t forget… there is also a TREASURE HUNT (hunting for “Treasure”) 🎁 in the entire park area, FREE HEALTH CONSULTATION, and QUIZ WITH PRIZES at the CENTER of EXCELLENCE (Cassie) booth! 🎉🎁🎁🤗
Want to know how?
CLICK the following link:
Let's Gooo.....! 👍